Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day 4: Update

Got an update from Jim this morning. For yesterday's leg of the journey, he writes:

Hello All:
I'm at the Worster Cty Library in Berlin, MD. Stayed
at the historic and appropriately priced Atlantic
Hotel last night and, for the second day in a row over
slept. It's about 9:15. Only 42 miles yesterday. It
drizzled on and off all day then poured around 3:00.
Headwinds during every southern leg. 10 to 12 mph
progress sometimes. I spent some time at Arby's eating
salads and drinking coffee. Maybe an hour and a half.
Didn't check the clock.

The rain appeared to stop around 4:30 so I took off.
a mile later it returned, so I headed south to the
only hotel I knew, The Atlantic. (Photo).

I didn't tell Mom in my telephone report, but I might
as well confess, for the record, I acquired a little
road rash. At about 2 mph, I entered a driveway sill
which appeared normal, but the puddle obscured the
depth of the gully below it. I think I was crossing
at an angle appropriate for a normal driveway, but the
rain-lubed tires followed the concrete instead of
crossing it. A little red knee and hip. Yes,
Valerie, I did put antibiotic cream on it.

I got a short Rosie Ruiz ride across Rt 90 causeway.
I rode west on 90 across the first bridge to an
island. I thought I was on the mainland, but there is
a second bridge with no shoulder, marked "No
Bicycles". I stuck out my thumb and Mike and Jason
took me across.

Dinner at the Globe. Ying Ling, Black Bean Soup and
Veggie sandwich. Guess I'll look for breakfast as
long as I'm so late.

Think of you all all day. Happy Birthday Jenna.
Ending point: Berlin, Maryland.
Miles logged today: 42


Carol J said...

GO JIM!!!!
I'm enjoying living vicariously through you! You've inspired a lazy person to take the bike out for a ride....first stop Dunkin Donuts!

All of us at Seiko are enjoying mapping your progress...YOU GO!!!!!

Unknown said...


Making great progress. Good updates, keep them coming. Ease up on the hitch hiking though. Want to see some DC photos soon. Maybe an office call with your good friend W.