Thursday, May 3, 2007

Days 9 & 10: Ocracoke, NC.

I'm a bit late posting the e-mail Jim sent this morning, but here it is:

Good Morning:
It's Thursday morning and I'm about 15 miles from the
40 minute ferry from Hatteras to Ocracoke. Today will
probably be about 30 miles, but that seems to be the
only way to hit the ferry and still find
accommodations on Ocracoke.
Yesterday was a real challenge. 53 miles into the
wind. Most of the long day was spent in my lowest
gear (39/21). For you non-riders, that's rare to have
to do that just to make headway. Speed was 9 to 10
mph all day, mostly 9.
Tuesday evening when I entered Kitty Hawk, I met Jim
Griffin, a 46 yo retired landscape farmer from Ocalla,
FL. He started in D.C. and is headed for Ocalla. We
rode together and stayed at the same motels Tues and
Back to today: The wind has shifted around to my
right shoulder, and this morning was a complete breeze
at 16 mph. What a treat. Internet access is tough
(as is T-mobile phone service), so I'm at the Hatteras
Community Library. Unfortunately, many libraries
"Filter" their internet access. and this is one. So,
I can't send photos from here. I'll try again along
the route.

I always forget my email address book when I come in
here, so would one of you let Chris, Terese, Patty and
Julie know about the blog and snapfish.
Love to all,

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